Small bill can easily get through the primary school with a value very satisfactory, especially in science and mathematics lessons. Knowing this person The old Bill, then menyekolahkannya at a private school known for its good academic guidance, called "Lakeside". At that time, the new Lakeside just bought a computer, and within a week, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and several other students (mostly later became the first programmer MICROSOFT) has spent all hours of computer classes for one year.
Bill Gates computer capabilities have been approved since he was still in school at Lakeside. Starting with his "hack" the school computers, changing schedules, and placement students. In 1968, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and two other hackers hired by the Computer Center Corporation. to be a tester security system company. In return, they are given the freedom to use the company computer. According to the Bill when it is they really can "enter" computer. And this they begin to develop skills toward the establishment of Microsoft, 7 years later. The next Bill Gates the ability honed. System programming payment for Information Science Inc., is the first business. Then with Paul Ellen founded their first company called Traf-O-Data.
They make a small computer that can measure the flow of traffic. Working as a debugger in kontrkator defense company TRW, and as a responsible computerization of school schedule, complements Bill Gates experiences. In fall 1973, Bill Gates went to Harvard University and is registered as a law school student. He could very well attended, but just like when in high school, his attention soon turned to the computer. While at Harvard, his relationship with Allen remained close. Bill was known as a genius at Harvard. Even one of his teachers told him that Bill is a great programmer genius, but a man who sucks. December 1974, when about to visit Bill Gates, Paul Allen read Popular Electronics magazine article with the title "World's First Microcomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models". This article contains the first microcomputer Altair 9090. Allen then discussed with Bill Gates. They realize that the era of "home computer" will be coming soon and explode, making the presence of software for the computer - the computer is required. And this is a great opportunity for them.
Then in a few days, contact the manufacturer Gates Altair, MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). He said that he and Allen, has made a BASIC that can be used on the Altair. Of course, this is a lie. They even was not writing any single line of code. MITS, who did not know this, very interested in BASIC. Within 8 weeks of BASIC have been prepared. Allen to MITS to present BASIC. And although, this is the first time for Allen in operating the Altair, was BASIC can work perfectly. Year then Bill Gates left Harvard and founded Microsoft.
Apart from the problem of fighting Microsoft with several organizations and other vendors associated with software monopoly problems, the use of other technology vendors, etc..
Currently Microsoft grew into the vendor software and operating system that controls the world software market. Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP is the operating system
Microsoft production always eagerly awaited by the users pc in the world.
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